Friday, December 21, 2012

Galero on CGHUB

Borislav Kechashki - 3DCreative Scorpian

Borislav Kechashki- Red Dog
I found this artist really early in the morning on CGHUB. His Tuskarr tribute art popped up in the images and my eye instantly was drawn to it. From there I checked out the rest of work that he had posted on CGHUB and I knew that I was liking his art style. His creatures have a cartoony flare, but are really high quality. He currently is working for Ubisoft and has been working professionally for over 5 years. I will continue to strive towards the quality of the artists that I see on these websites, and Borislav Kechashki will be one of them.

Final Renders

Boar Man

These are the two final renders that I grabbed out of Zbrush after sculpting and poly-painting both models. I am really happy with the results and I can see that I am making a bit of progress in my 3D Sculpting and Painting ability. I hope to only progress further and produce some awesome work along the way.

Friday, December 7, 2012


When creating this creature bust I wanted to go with a more stylized character. Using reference images of octopus and squid I sculpted organic shapes. He is a creature that primarily lives in the water, but can venture onto land for periods of time. If I took this creature further I would want to build his entire body, and make him some sort of merchant/trader.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rafael Grasetti

Rafael Grassetti - Creature Sculpt

Rafael Grassetti - Ryan Gosling in Drive

  I remember seeing Rafael's sculpt of Ryan Gosling from Drive on CGHUB a while back. Finally I found his work again! The website that he has set up for his work is amazing, he has worked on more than 70 different projects and is currently employed as a Lead Character artist at SONY. There is not a piece that he has on his website that I do not enjoy looking at. He has outstanding talent in Zbrush and I will be using his work as a gauge on the quality of work I need to have in order to become a Character Artist. Thanks for all of the interesting artwork Rafael, I will be looking forward to further posts on CGHUB and your website!


Ballo - Conan the Cimmerian

Ballo - Randall
I came across this artist's work today surfing around on my favorite website, CGHUB. I really liked his stylized work with the version of Conan that he did. All of the details are there and it is a very clean sculpt with a powerful pose. Moving towards realism I saw his sculpt of Randall from the game Deadlight. He strongly conveys that survivor aspect of him and he presents his work very well. I was not able to find a link to his website from CGHUB, but I do know that he is currently working Freelance. Hope to see more of his work posted in the future!

Adam Fisher

Adam Fisher - Comicon Challenge

Adam Fisher - Lycan

 I have seen Adam's work before in a couple of the contest threads. When I saw his Lycan sculpt I knew that he was an artist I wanted to follow. His work is really clean and he can really convey that stylized realism with his characters. However, he does not stop at stylized work because he explores sculpting creatures, weapons, and much more. I would like to reach a point where no matter what work is offered to me I will be able to complete it. Great work Adam, I will surely be following your updates on CGHUB.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Forearm & Hand

I did a forearm and hand study sculpt in Zbrush over the Thanksgiving weekend. Taking what I studied from the previous chapters in the book and researched information I created something I am pretty satisfied with.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Samar Vijay

Christian Bale The Mechanist - Samar Vijay

Bane Realtime - Samar Vijay

I have been following Samar Vijay for a long time on CGHUB. I love the detail he can get int the human form, and his ability to create clothing for his characters. I eventually want to be able to complete an entire sculpt with clothes, weapons, and all to be used as a final render. Then I hope to take that final render and make it even better by editing it in Photoshop.

Human Sculpt

This human sculpt gave me a huge boost in sculpting techniques in Zbrush. I had to study and understand how the muscles wrap and where they connect in order to give the figure the correct shape. I will definitely be sculpting a lot more human anatomy in the future.

Creature Sculpt

This creature sculpt was a lot of fun to do. I used a lot of human anatomy reference to create this character, along with reference images of different animals. This sculpt has taught me a thing or two about creating an effective sculpt and being as productive as possible.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Marco Plouffe

Exovirus by: Marco Plouffe

The Mask by: Marco Plouffe

Marco Plouffe is an artist that I have been following for a couple of terms now. I greatly admire the entirety of his work. Every piece that he has exerts the same amount of quality to them. He is currently working as a character artist for THQ's studio in Montreal. You can tell that he spends a ton of time sculpting in Zbrush, and this is something that I need to work towards. 

Human Update

  I've updated the human Zbrush model that I have been working on. I added features to his face, sculpting from the skull up. I also added details into the hands and the neck of the character. I am learning one very important lesson when working on this piece. You MUST KNOW human anatomy, it will increase reduce the time it takes you to produce a professional piece. Reduction of production time makes for a happy artist and happy company.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Creature Update

I updated the head bust of my character to make him a bit more dangerous. I implemented some structure that gives him some semblance to a boar. I may even give him a tail and make his pose more dynamic as to show his true nature.

Base Zbrush Human

I created a new base Male Anatomy sculpt using chapter 02 in the book. I think that this sculpt came out a bit better than my first go at it. I will eventually take this character to a full detailed sculpt.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elephant Creature Progress

These are progress shots of the elephant character/creature sculpt that I am doing for the class. I really want to make him seem alien like and have an anatomy that resembles a humanoid like structure. However, I want there to also be some variations in structure.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dmitry Gaborak & James Brian Jones

Dmitry Gaborak - Dragon Armor

Dmitry Gaborak - Ares

 I have recently found two new Zbrush artists that I closely follow. The first is Dmitry Gaborak a freelance artist from Singapore. I initially was brought to his work searching through CGHUB and he had one an
award, so his artwork was being featured. I loved how he was able to get such interesting shapes and details onto his characters. I have always wanted to know how to create sets of armor for my characters. Most of his characters seem to have some sort of armor or clothing on them, so I will be watching out for his new additions.

James Brian Jones - Abyssal Armor

James Brian Jones - Franky
The next artist that I found is James Brian Jones who goes by the name BoBo_the_Seal on CGHUB. I also found his work while surfing around looking at artwork. I originally was looking at Darksiders II concept artwork and I came across his Zbrush sculpts. Instantaneously I began searching through his other work. The quality and stylized look he gets on his models is something that I can see myself pushing towards.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Basic Mesh in Maya

Starting the Base Mesh

Defining Major Areas

Making further adjustments after Duplicate Special

The final base mesh created in Maya.